Tuesday, July 12, 2011

White Out

Apartment hunting is boring and tiring. It's fun at first but it kind of gets sickening and very, very frustrating. Well, it's quite easy if you have lots of money to spend on rental. But if you're like me who doesn't really have gobs of cash to throw around, you really don't have a lot of choices and you have to look and look and look and make lots of phone calls.

Over drinks, I told one of my soon-to-be flatmates that I want my room (or the whole apartment) to have white walls and cement floors coated with clear varnish with bits of splashes of silver paint. Yes, I want it to look like a Margiela store.

White walls with printed wallpaper.

Clear acrylic, glass and white furniture and interesting shapes.

As much as I want to buy very interesting furniture, I can't really afford it. I've been going around Ikea and been very tempted to buy the funiture and lighting fixtures that I want but I don't even have a place to put everything yet.

Photos of La Hotel Maison Champs-Elysees by Maison Martin Margiela from framemag.com

Posted by X2


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Anonymous said...

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