Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Gareth Pugh FW 09-10

Well, what can I say? I can't make a decent review of the show because I love everything. It might come off as hero worship, so no. No reviews. The video, the music, all those black clothes, the hairy sweaters, the nail coats, the haven't-slept-in-days make up, the net on the face, the feather hat, the leather and spandex, the greasy hair, the silk chiffon wings. I love it. So I'm just posting a few photos from the show. And I just couldn't resist rubbing my skin on that divine hairy sweater when I saw it backstage before the show. Ha!

I apologize for the very, very delayed post as the show happened almost two weeks ago. Singapore was shitloads of fun. I am still nursing a hangover.

Posted by X2


X1+X2... said...

Fockin' amazing!

I was just as awestruck as you were during the show. 'Twas orgasmic and I held my breath the whole time. Best experience ever.

And thanks for posting much faster that poor old lazy me can go ha ha ha!



Anonymous said...


InnyVinny said...


Anonymous said...

who would wear these clothes?

X1+X2... said...

Dear Anonymous,

I would! I'd wear these outfits any given day.



Anonymous said...

i love gareth pugh

Anonymous said...


Christian Ray said...


Stephanie Clayton said...

oooooo, gareth pugh....frighteningly cool. love it all!
i'd be happy to wear any of these clothes. oh yes.