Friday, April 30, 2010

High Crass Call Girl

Greetings from the sunnier part of the world. So we have been ignoring our blog. We might be getting a bit bored with everything so I don't know.

So the other night I saw Peaches. The whole show was so lo-fi, lo-tech, minimalist, whatever. Just a beatbox, a guitar, stagedives, towels and chiffon. There's one thing I kinda found disturbing though, some men and women way past their fifties dancing to "Fuck The Pain Away".

Best line of the night from the Queen of Crass: "Jesus can walk on water. Peaches can walk on people."

Photos snatched from Facebook taken by one of our friends since I am too poor to afford a camera.

Posted by X2.

Friday, April 23, 2010

One Night

I got kinda sick of blogging but let's edge back right in...
I'm super lovin' this photo of Kate Lanphear.

Thank you, Garance Dore.

Posted by X1.