Friday, May 29, 2009

Double Trouble

According to the book-turned-motion-picture "He's Just Not that Into You", a guy's not that into you if he's disappeared on you. For a bit of a time, X2 (my evil sweetheart slash apathetic BFF slash co-ghost blogguh) got abandoned right here. Okay, now what was I saying?

'Nuff frills, I missed The MisShapes and Leigh+Geo are looking immortal in these pics.

I guess I wanted to tell X2 that we're a duo...
that I'm in on this with him.
Like, uh, seriously. LOL!

I have no excuse for my 'disappearance'.
What matters is I'm back.

Wicked Grin ;D

Photos are by Steven Meisel.

Posted by X1.

Image Source:


Word of the Day: Update.
We seriously need to update more. This joint needs more attention.

Posted by x2

Photo Credit: jak&jil

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Gareth Pugh FW 09-10

Well, what can I say? I can't make a decent review of the show because I love everything. It might come off as hero worship, so no. No reviews. The video, the music, all those black clothes, the hairy sweaters, the nail coats, the haven't-slept-in-days make up, the net on the face, the feather hat, the leather and spandex, the greasy hair, the silk chiffon wings. I love it. So I'm just posting a few photos from the show. And I just couldn't resist rubbing my skin on that divine hairy sweater when I saw it backstage before the show. Ha!

I apologize for the very, very delayed post as the show happened almost two weeks ago. Singapore was shitloads of fun. I am still nursing a hangover.

Posted by X2

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Some jackets I wanna see on my shoulders. Yes, I buy jackets from the women's department since I'm too small to fit into a nice men's jacket. And these are just too interesting. And it's my birthday next month... *Wink* *Wink* 
Now lets see if The Secret really works. Ha!

Jackets by DRKSHDW Rick Owens, Rick Owens Lilies, Rick Owens Lilies and Preen
Photos from and

Posted by X2