High ceiling and a lot of space.
White walls and wooden floors.
Interesting but minimal furniture.
By minimal I mean minimal in number.
I want space. I don't want clutter.
Minimal furniture and lots of reading materials
on the wooden floors.
This would probably be in my future bedroom.
Plants. I want plants.
Maybe a terrarium?
Rainforest in a bottle! Why not?
Okay, nothing concrete yet. But I'm taking inspiration for my parts of the house/studio from Alexander Wang's workspace and Julia Restoin Roitfeld's apartment. I love their space. If only...
Photos from theselby.com
Posted by X2
Didn't know you can design home interiors, too. Haha! :p
Anyhoo, it's good and being a bit familiar with how the space in your soon-to-be-apartment looks, yes, your ideas will work. You've such superb taste. xo.
i think it's easy to merge the two concepts together since their not really that far off the other ends of the spectrum, and i think that's a good thing. post photos if something comes out of this. maybe some before and after photos, you know what i mean. :-) cheers!
btw, nice blog mates. keep it up.
less is more. minimalism is a good practice that should simplify most areas of life. it's also a mod way to let style shine through.
"space not clutter", now there's a great concept/design rule...and describes the ideal place, IMO.
the spaces in this post are absolute perfection--minimal but inviting.
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